Revolution or Rubble?

I haven’t posted in a while, haven’t taken the time to conglomerate all my ramblings and spew them over a keyboard. I’m angry, so, so deeply angry. My anger comes from a place of true terror for myself, my friends, total strangers’ safety, and my beautiful planet. You know why. It’s inescapable, the constant barrage of negative media He’s caused. Every day I have to talk about it, every day I learn more about what He’s done, what He plans to do, and I am in greater pain because of it.

Being angry is not my natural state, as a person who is generally happy and relaxed. But, I am a passionate person. If I love something, I will love it hard. If something makes me happy, I will do it with all my might. And… if something makes me angry, I will loath and hate it with every fiber of my being, to the point of full-body consumption. This rage has infected me to my core, I can feel its energy, physical and tangible. I’ve used it to power up hill climbs, run faster, complete hard rock-climbs, and focus on studying. This anger, this pure rage, can be channeled. It can be focused and directed in such a  way as to fight back against the oppressors. To fight back against those who threaten my livelihood, my right to equal pay, reproductive health care, not being seen as a baby-factory. To fight to save our forests and Earth from mining, drilling, deforestation. To fight for our right to knowledge from scientific bodies. To fight for our right to LGBTQ+ freedom. To fight…period.

We cannot sit and be complacent. While I do not condone outright violence, there must be a swift and powerful revolution. Do completely peaceful movements work to overthrow such dictators and powerful Men? No. Has the peaceful DAPL movement worked? No. I’ve marched and worked with the BLM movement, been part of Women’s Rights work, and there is so much potential for change if the outlet is right. And will it ever be right? I don’t know. All I know is that change to the degree which we need will not happen from these peaceful and complacent movements that only are used to be mocked and belittled by Fox news and Him.

When did we become okay with blatant lies? When did the American people start to stop caring about sexual scandals and troubles, does no one remember the Lewinsky scandal? Was that not grounds for impeachment? And here we are, a blatant sexual predator who has so much money as to bury these things… and no one fights?

When did we become so complacent? Yes, there were scrappings of media attention on the Women’s March, on the upcoming Scientist’s march, but I want to know more of their impact, did they work? What change did they elicit? Any? Beuller?

There is a tear in my mind, stay here or go home. To stay in this place of relative stability, or return to my crumbling home. But as time draws on my anger and need to fight grows, so while I hope He will have been impeached by then, I will be coming back more ready to fight than ever, I will be coming back.

For fuck’s sake. My life was great. I have so many wonderful friends across this dying Earth to which grant me love, companionship, endless joy and wonderful drunken tales. I have a spectacular boyfriend who encourages my random rambling adventures in the wild, my consistent pursuit of cycling glory, and makes a damn good cup of coffee. I enjoy my education and am set to help the world by designing and implementing renewable energies when I graduate. And all of this, all I have worked my short life to get is now threatened. You cannot disagree with that. He… no IT, for it is no longer a singular man, it is a growing dark mass wearing a Hitler mask, following down the same path. It is a long-awaiting opportunity after years of planning, of spreading fearful Christian values to this 1st Amendment country, of lowering basic education, of using Fox news to instill fear in the hearts of many and cause fighting among the classes so that no one looks ‘up’ when wondering where there money went. Because many voted for it out of baseless fear, and in turn voted for the core demon and monster of the whole movement to money-powered autocracy. He is an it, not a man.

Every time it works to take away my healthcare, I will fight back and campaign even harder and do everything I can to make sure my friends and family are able to get basic help when needed.

Every time it approves a new drilling, frakking, or pipeline bill, I will fight back and preach the good word of the environment.

Every time it fights education and information, I will fight back and teach what I can, donate what I can, and not let us slip into misguided darkness.

Every time he insults women, I will fight back and scream and claw and fight for I am a woman, I have the power to create life if I choose, and I damn well have the power to create change if I choose.


Be angry.

Be really fucking angry.

And be strong, we’re in a fight now, so pick your battles.




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